
I have recieved my sets from the Headshot folio, a print portfolio curated by Tim Dooley and Bill Fick, at the Mid America Print Conference (MAPC) in Minneapolis. The boxes for the sets were created by Yee-Haw Industries, they look amazing and pull everything together nicely.

The entire folio was exhibited in the Regis Center for Art as a part of the conference. Currently, you can also see the entire portfolio online at the Red Rocket Gallery.

FYI Grant

Recently I, with a group of 3 other students, have been awarded a First Year Interdisciplinary Grant from Syracuse University. Our proposal was entitled, “A Sense of Place”. Our project involves collecting thoughts, feelings, meanings and memories of specific public spaces and putting them on display, as a way for the space itself to “talk back”. In doing this, we are striving to create a dialogue between the space an its occupants.

One of my roles in the project will be the creation of the visuals used in to assist in collecting people’s reactions to certain spaces, as well as the later exhibition that will be created around this information. More information will be provided as the project progresses.

Hello from New York

I have recently relocated to Syracuse, New York to pursue an MFA in Printmaking at Syracuse University. Hence the recent absence of updates as I settle into my studies.
But fear not, some projects are in the works and more information will be posted here when they come into form.

Art-A-Whirl with Andy McInnis

Come to Shuga Records during Art-A-Whirl and help support a great local project! I will selling my “Sick Prints”, along with the prints of many other artists who were involved in Sweet Hair, to raise funds for Andy McInnis’ latest project– Screen Printing: On the Cheap.

Don’t know Andy? Well you should: Andy McInnis is an arts educator and screen printing expert who is currently teaching screen printing workshops and printing on-site. He is quickly spreading the word about Screen Printing: On the Cheap, a DIY book project about printing out of your apartment.

So drop by Shuga Records during Art-A-Whirl/Hoolie Fest (May 14th, 15th, and 16th) and pick up some local art to support a great project. Or come to enjoy the educational stylings of Andy McInnis and print your very own t-shirt! Either way, its bound to be a blast.

For more information check out

Print Sale to Support
Screen Printing: On the Cheap

Shuga Records
165 13th Ave NE
Minneapolis, MN
May 14th, 15th, and 16th

ARTCRANK this Saturday, April 10th

Coast by Tonja Torgerson

Please come celebrate bikes and art at this year’s ARTCRANK.

ARTCRANK is an annual bike-themed poster show featuring local artists and designers. My poster (above) and posters by over 30 other local artists will be for sale- all for just $30. This year ARTCRANK is working to raise money for Full Cycle, a Minneapolis nonprofit that gives free bikes to homeless youth and teaches them bike maintenance. So bike to Shelter Studios this Saturday (they’ll have valet bike parking) and take home some local poster art!


Opening Night Party: Saturday, April 10
7:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m.

Shelter Studios
2112 Broadway St. NE, Suite 150
Minneapolis, MN 55413