
Yesterday’s Art Soak Yardsale was quite an event.

Art was sold, free haircuts and lemonade given out. It was nice to have street interaction with the neighborhood in addition to the more sheltered studio space three floors above. That evening Switzerlind played a great set in the middle of a lightning storm. People were kind of enough to solider the weather and arrive at the party dripping wet. The evening finished with DJ’ed a dance party in the studio next door that went into the wee hours of the morning. Thank you to everyone on who came to either the sale or the party, and a special thank you to Switzerlind for hauling an organ up two flights of stairs to play for us!!

Julia took pictures to the event, and I will be posting them shortly, so check back often!

If you were not able to make it to the sale and you are interested in purchasing my artwork, please go to my website’s gallery and then contact me via email to purchase the work.